Monday, August 1, 2011

What was I ...?

Oh yes!  Went to the movies and saw a preview for the movie JOHN CARTER.  Why bring it up?  See post one, silly!  John Carter is the Warlord of Mars!  And that inspired this blog's Puppet Warlord title.

I was once at a poetry reading where the poet was asked a question and he related a story about being at a bar with a bunch of other poets and them reciting poems.  I thought that sounded pretty cool.  Taking poetry to a bar.  Why am I telling you this?  Because it was a rough work week.  And Saturday night I asked a co-worker if they were doing anything after my shift ended because I wanted to go and hang out. They did the social network shout out to the crew but it ended up the two of us.  And what did we do?  We stopped off at a late night retail store and purchased a sewing kit, buttons and fuzzy socks.  I also bought a package of self adhesive googly eyes.  We brought  the makings for sock puppets to the bar! And we made them between our late night meal.  We brought puppets to the bar!  The googly eyes I broke open for a finger puppet I made out of teal blue duct tape Sunday morning.  My plan is to make more finger puppets and a finger puppet theatre.  I have the urge to do a finger puppet opera!  One might find it strange that all I know of opera comes from Bugs Bunny cartoons and that I can't sing or play any musical instruments.  And yet I am planing on creating an opera?  I just don't see that as a problem if I am mounting my production with finger puppets!  I will keep you posted!    


  1. Do you dream of puppets?

  2. Yes I do. After the National Fest it was like four days in a row! But I am usually not that lucky!
    Thanks for being my first comment, Frani!

  3. I'll bet you already own enough adhesive googly eyes to outfit your cast of operatic puppets.... you're always looking for an excuse to buy more puppet parts, aren't you?
