Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Schedules and Lion Dance and Plague Tiger and a Georgian Cat

Hi, future me or you who have stumbled upon this inconstant blog.
Let us exam the title shall we?

Schedules and Lion Dance and Plague Tiger and a Georgian Cat

My day job often conflicts with puppet happenings.  I wanted to make sure that I had the day off for the puppet guild's Christmas performance and party.  The Sunday of the party I checked the time to make sure I would not be late.  And I discovered that the party was actually on the day before! Saturday & not Sunday !  I just had to laugh.

Lion Dance
My Puppetry Fairy Godmother followed up with me upon missing the Christmas party and reminded me about a special puppet performance happening at The Cleveland Public Library.
A puppet troupe from the United States that has studied Bunraku in Japan.
I secured the day off and with the help of a friend I made it !
I am not sure with my sense of direction and being unfamiliar with Cleveland Public Library I would have made it on my own.  (Thanks again if you are reading this post!)
The performance was of the Lion Dance.
The way they did it they had a small human puppet operating the larger Asian lion.  I thought it was a cool way to do it.
If the lion bites you on the head it is supposed to bring you good luck and fortune.
I was one of the last people to be bitten.  And the lion just munched and munched on me like my head was an egg and it was going for the yolk !

Plague Tiger and a Georgian Cat
I found a set of Passover finger puppets.  Little plastic ones that look to me about the same size as the Rudolf The Red Nosed Reindeer set I picked up after this Christmas.  I have a cloth set of plague finger puppets from the same store from years ago.  I understand completely the idea of teaching by using puppets but I still get a Dada Art vibe from having a finger puppet labeled "death of first born child" or "blood" or "lice'.  The "beasts" puppet is a really cute orange tiger puppet with a cute purple nose.  Hence Plague Tiger !

Georgian Cat
I like libraries.  I am at one now as I write this.
One of the librarians that works at both a public library and at the local community college I ran into at his public library gig.  He said that a librarian had something waiting for me behind the counter !
I wasn't able to get their until yesterday.
Waiting for me was what looked like a hand made felt (the felt itself being hand made) cat puppet ! The note said that the puppet came from the country of Georgia !  I did not get a chance talk to the librarian that brought in the puppet for me.  I look forward to learning more about it.     

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